Saturday 5 April 2014

NORWAY: Homemade flatbread

Norsk hjemmelaget flatbrød - Norwegian homemade flatbread.

7 cups water
• 1 kg whole wheat flour
• 1 teaspoon salt
2 cups barley flour

1.In a large bowl combine the whole wheat flour and salt. Add enough water to make a stiff dough.
2.Knead dough for 30 seconds on a well-floured surface.
3.Cover dough to prevent drying. Roll 1/4 cup handfuls of dough into balls and pat into a flat circle. Using a rolling pin, flatten dough into 40 cm circles.
4. On the work surface, you then roll up the flatbread loosely around a flat stick called a "flatbread stick," then move the stick to an ungreased flatbread griddle and unroll it from the stick onto the flatbread griddle.

5. Each side of the flatbread will need to cook for about 2 to 3 minutes, turning it over with the flatbread stick when the first side starts to brown. Each side should end up with small brown spots.

When done, cool, fold and store.
Serve with stews or soup. Also popular served with cured meats in the summer months. 

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